If you used Japanese escort service, you probably met a lady who wasn't the person on pictures. If it too much photoshop, it bad for customers.
But store needs to put products (ladies) beautifully in the showcase (website). Store or agency need a little bit photoshop for that.
Let's think about 'Too much photoshop' and 'Good photoshop.'
What is panel magic (panemaji)?
If the store or agency give too much photoshop on ladies pictures, we call panel magic (panemaji) in Japanese. It usually, adjust by Adobe Photoshop. Not only photoshop, if lady strikes a pose that they hide their bad body parts for a picture. That call panemaji too.
The reason for Panemaji.
It sounds like the only benefit for the agency or store. But not only for them. It's ok to give photoshop if it's not too much. But panemaji is when they do Too Much. Why they do too much photoshop for other reason? Because ladies want to keep secret that she is working in the sex industry. They just don't want to take the risk of her friend or someone know her that she is working there.
When you open the door, other lady came to your room. I heard about it a lot. But this can be, the lady asks the agency to do too much photoshop to make her different person in the picture.
Store or agency need to photoshop if she says that.
Which pictures are panemaji?
Eyes (bigger), nose (higher), lips(bigger), face(smaller) and body (bigger boobs and skinner) are standard parts to photoshop.
If the store is for chubby ladies, sometimes they photoshop bigger than an actual person. Ladies take a selfie for the picture too.
I think selfie can be panemaji too.
You don't notice if it's good panemaji.
How much you need to photoshop is depends on ladies. If they are beautiful enough, you don't need a lot. But it's difficult for people for photoshop.
We call retoucher who photoshop for ladies. That means who make panemaji lol
Let's say, the retoucher loves ugly ladies? I think they won't give too much photoshop even ladies are ugly. How about the retoucher loves chubby ladies? I'm sure they won't photoshop to get skinny. But they aren't right. Good retoucher won't do something like that.
Good retouchers know what lady's 'beauty is.' They know how to fix it and have skills. You need to work long enough to know 'what is right.' People will notice TOO MUCH photoshops. Ladies are beautiful, so let's do more photoshop to make them more beautiful. I don't think that's how it works either. Retoucher needs to know their character and make the character better in the pictures. This isn't easy.
Do we still need Panemaji?
If the lady is providing an excellent service, they don't need too much photoshop. Customers don't care ladies looking if they have a naughty body and excellent service. If pictures are too much photoshop, people will notice and won't make an appointment.
A lot of stores or agencies do unnecessary photoshop.
Panemaji won't work in this century.
Fuzoku agencies or stores need to let customers know ladies services and personality more than pictures. In this century, even you can photoshop in your smartphone. People easy to find out if it's photoshop or not.
Of course, the store won't make any money with only photoshop pictures. Stores or agencies need to provide excellent service, that is the first thing they should do.
Shamenikki (lady's personal blog photo) have panemaji? I don't think they do photoshop. Maybe put sticker or beauty filter.
I surprise that they took a good photo. It's not oanemaji, but it can be.
If you pay an expensive fee to call a lady, you don't want to have a lady who isn't a real person in the picture. You should ask for 'Change.'
Some stores won't accept change. Be careful with it.
We, Cinderella group is trying not to happen these cases. We want customers to understand our service and satisfied.